© Conference on Implantable Auditory Prosthesis Last update: January 31, 2025
2025 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses
July 13-18, 2025
CIAP Doctoral Student Aid Application
Applications for Doctoral Student Aid are due by March 15, 2025.
(This deadline has been moved earlier to facilitate letters of acknowledgement as needed)
Awardees will be notified by April 15, 2025
Program Details
Students from the U.S. and from other countries are encouraged to apply. The level of financial
assistance offered will depend on the funding available.
Eligibility: All applicants must be pre-doctoral candidates, or post-doctorates who received their doctoral degree
no more than two years prior to the start of the conference. Students in master’s degree programs and
individuals who completed their doctoral degree more than two years ago are not eligible.
Requirements: Funded students will be required to spend a portion of their time assisting with general
operational needs during the conference.
Application Guidelines:
Applicant’s Statement (not to exceed 1 page). Please include:
A statement of the relevance of your work to the field of auditory implants and how attendance at CIAP will
contribute to your work.
The title of abstract/s submitted to the conference that you have authored/co-authored.
A confirmation statement that if funded you will spend a portion of your time assisting in the operational
needs of the conference.
Sponsor’s Letter (not to exceed 1 page). Please include:
A description of: (1) the student’s potential to make substantive contributions to the field of auditory implants
and (2) their ability to meaningfully interact and benefit from the milieu of this meeting.
An explicit statement of confirmation that your institution will provide any additional funding not covered by
this award for the student to travel and attend the meeting.
Submission of Financial Aid Applications
Submit as a single pdf, your application and support letter by email with the subject line “CIAP Student Aid
Application” to Wendy James (wsjames@uw.edu) by March 15, 2025. Awardees will be notified by April 15, 2025.
*Upon request only, we can send a letter acknowledging abstract receipt. This letter does not guarantee acceptance
but may suffice as a “letter of invitation” to attend CIAP2025
CIAP Dependent Care Support
Applications for Dependent Care are due by April 15, 2025
Awardees will be notified by May 1, 2025
We encourage attendance at CIAP by providing awards to help with costs related to onsite dependent/childcare.
Each award will be in the amount of $500, to be paid after CIAP.
Application Guidelines
Eligibility: All attendees accepted to present their work (podium or poster) are eligible for this award.
To apply for this support, please submit a paragraph text (not longer than half page) describing why this award is
needed and how it will help with dependent care costs. Include a list or table of anticipated expenses up to $500.
Include a copy of the abstract/s submitted.
Submission of Financial Aid Applications
Submit as a single pdf, your application, budget and abstract/s, by email with the subject line “CIAP
Dependent Care Support Application” to Wendy James (wsjames@uw.edu) by April 15, 2025. Awardees will be
notified by May 1, 2025.