CIAP 2023 CIAP Podium Presentations

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Session Sequence Day Date Time Code Video Title Speaker
3 1 2 7/11/2023 08:30-09:00 P15 Listen Assessing neural health with inter-phase gap measurements Dyan Ramekers
3 2 2 7/11/2023 09:00-09:15 P16 Listen Polarity dependent excitation profiles with cochlear implant stimulation: relation to neuro-anatomy and implications for biphasic stimulation Peter Baumhoff
3 3 2 7/11/2023 09:15-09:30 P17 Listen Model predictions of the effects of spiral ganglion neuron loss and axonal demyelination on ECAP refractory recovery and neural synchrony metrics Ian Bruce
3 4 2 7/11/2023 09:30-10:00 P18 Listen The effects of neural adaptation in cochlear implant listeners Miriam Marrufo-Perez
3 5 2 7/11/2023 10:30:10:40 P19 Listen Remembering Ning Zhou, scientist, colleague, and friend Bryan Pfingst
3 6 2 7/11/2023 10:40-10:52 P20 Listen Ning's Contributions to Mandarin Tone Recognition Research with Cochlear Implants Xin Luo
3 7 2 7/11/2023 10:52-11:04 P21 Listen Perception-production links in lexical tones and prosodic expression Monita Chatterjee
3 8 2 7/11/2023 11:04-11:16 P22 Listen Translating markers of cochlear health from animals to humans Kara Schvartz-Leyzac
3 9 2 7/11/2023 11:16-11:28 P23 Listen An international experiment for Ning: exploring the relationship between multi-pulse integration and spatial selectivity in cochlear implant users Robert Carlyon
3 10 2 7/11/2023 11:28-11:40 P24 Listen Clinical implications of sensitivity to pulse phase duration in cochlear implants John Galvin
3 11 2 7/11/2023 11:40-11:50 P25 Listen Memories of my five years in Dr. Zhou's lab: a tribute to my mentor and friend Ning Zhou Lixue Dong
3 12 2 7/11/2023 11:50-12:00 P26 Listen Perspectives from research participants: Recordings from Former Research Subjects Subjects
9 1 2 7/11/2023 13:30-14:00 P00 Listen Advanced Bionics: "30 years of Advanced Bionics' Innovation" Patrick Boyle
9 2 2 7/11/2023 14:00-14:30 P00 Listen Cochlear, Ltd: "Opportunities and Challenges towards a Smarter and Distributed Care Model" Filiep Vanpouke
9 3 2 7/11/2023 14:30-15:00 P00 Listen MEDEL: "MED-EL's Research Opus" Stefan Strahl
9 4 2 7/11/2023 15:00-15:30 P00 Listen Oticon Medical: "New Frontiers in Hearing Outcomes" Bradford Backus
9 5 2 7/11/2023 15:30-15:45 P00 Listen CCi Mobile: "CCi-MOBILE Research Platform: Supporting Science & Engineering Driven CI Innovation" John Hansen
9 6 2 7/11/2023 15:45-16:00 P00 Listen FDA: "FDA Regulation of Investigational Studies for Auditory Prostheses" Lindsay A. DeVries
4 1 2 7/11/2023 19:00-19:30 P27 Listen Using a NAO robot for speech audiometry testing of cochlear implanted children Gloria Araiza-Illan
4 2 2 7/11/2023 19:30-19:45 P28 Listen Perception of simultaneous and sequential musical harmony in cochlear implant listeners Marie-Luise Augsten
4 3 2 7/11/2023 19:45-20:00 P29 Listen Pitch, timbre, and quality with a cochlear implant: insights from vocal mimicry David Landsberger
4 4 2 7/11/2023 20:15-20:45 P30 Listen Influence of electric frequency-to-place mismatches on monaural and binaural hearing Margaret Dillon
4 5 2 7/11/2023 20:45-21:00 P31 Listen Novel acoustic models of cochlear implants are reliably obtained using interactive genetic algorithms (iGA) Ariel Edward Hight